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Cookies Policy

EKOA Life Sciences prioritizes transparency and integrity in the collection and use of your data. This COOKIE POLICY applies to all products and services that use it or incorporate it as a reference. We use cookies and similar technologies to collect and use data as part of our services, as defined in our PRIVACY POLICY.

Cookies are small text files that store the user’s activities for a specified period. They store your browsing history, as well as logins and passwords. It is because of them that you can access your account without having to enter your registration data every time, precisely because the browser uses cookies and does it for you automatically. In addition to various functional aspects, cookies also provide excellent service in well-known systems, such as cloud storage platforms.

Type of technology



A cookie is a small file added to your device or computer that enables the activation of features and functionalities. Any browser accessing our websites may receive cookies from us or third parties, especially when you visit sites other than the current site that display ads or host our plugins or tags. We use two types of cookies: persistent cookies and session cookies. The persistent cookie lasts beyond the current session and is used for various purposes, such as recognizing you as a user, facilitating your return, and interacting with our services without the need to log in again to your account. It will be read whenever you return to one of our sites or visit a third-party site that uses our services. Session cookies last only until the end of the session (during the visit to a site or during a browser session).


A pixel is a small image that can be found on web pages and in emails. When needed, the pixel makes a request to our servers (providing information about the device and the visit) to become visible on web pages and in emails.

Local storage

Local storage allows a website or application to store information in your environments. It can be used to enhance the website experience by enabling features, leveraging your preferences, and optimizing site functionality.

Similar techonologies

We use other tracking technologies, such as identifiers and markers for mobile advertising devices, for similar purposes.

Our cookie tables list some of the cookies used by us and third parties as part of our services. Please note that these tables may be updated from time to time to provide you with the latest information.

How these technologies are used: 

Below, we describe the ways in which we may use cookies:




We use cookies to recognize when you access our services. Cookies help us display the correct information and personalize your experience according to your settings.

Security Preferences

We use cookies to make your interaction with our services faster and more secure, helping us detect suspicious activities.

Preferences, Features and Services

We use cookies to enable the functionality of our services and provide features, statistics, and personalized content. We also use these technologies to remember information about your browser and preferences.


We use cookies to enhance your experience on our services.

Plug-ins, both internal and external

We use cookies to enable plugins, whether in an internal or external environment to the website. Our plugins may be found on the website or on third-party/partner sites. If you interact with the plugin, it will use cookies to identify you and initiate your request.

Personalized Advertising

Cookies help us display relevant advertising to you, both within and outside our services, measure the performance of such ads, and provide reports on them. We use cookies to determine if content has been shown to you or if someone who viewed an ad returned later and took an action (such as downloading a technical document or making a purchase promotion) on another site. Similarly, our partners or service providers may use cookies to determine if we displayed an ad or publication and what the performance of that ad or publication was, or to provide us with information on how you interacted with the ad. We may also work with our clients and partners to present an ad to you inside and outside the site, for example, after you visit the website or app of clients/partners.

Analysis and Research

Cookies help us learn more about the performance of our services and plugins in different locations. We or our service providers use cookies to understand, improve, and research products, features, and services, even as you browse our sites or access the site from other sites, apps, or devices. Similarly, we use cookies to determine and analyze the performance of ads or publications inside and outside the site and to find out if you interacted with our sites or with clients’ sites, content, or emails, providing analyses based on these interactions. We also use cookies to provide aggregated information to clients and partners as part of our services. If you are a user of the site but have logged out of your account in a browser, the site may continue to record your interactions with our services in that browser for up to 30 (thirty) days to generate usage analytics of our services. We may share these analytics in an aggregated form with clients.

As a supplement, your browser or device may have settings that allow you to choose about the setting of cookies or whether to delete them. These controls vary depending on the browser, and manufacturers may change the settings and how they operate at any time.
You can find additional information about the controls that modern browsers offer in the links below. Certain features of the site’s products may not function correctly if browser cookies are disabled. Please be aware that these controls are different from those offered by the website.

Internet Explorer.
Google Chrome.
Microsoft Edge.